Monte Orleans Incorporation
Monte Orleans Incorporation
Narela, New Delhi, Delhi
08048600168 79% Response Rate
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About Director

About Director
"Monte Orleans Incorporation" Director Sanjay Jindal, has a deep interest and love for natural products. He is therefore dedicated to making available herbal products that lead to wellness & electrifying beauty Ayurveda means "the science of life". Ayurveda is a system that has been perfected over more than 5000 years. It is ancient India's health & beauty care system based on herbs & is recognized world wide. Herbal products are purely "natural fresh". They promote beauty, health and well being in a safe and effective way. All products include organic ingredients made from herbs, dried flowers, barks & fruits.


Over the years we have developed a line of all-natural ultra-rich beauty products. These aren't chemical compositions but are herbal products made using natural oils, extracts, herbs & butters that the skin can naturally absorb. Monte Orleans has a highly skilled team of exceptional chemists & cosmetologists that delivers a product of unparallel quality & integrity, enabling us to offer with absolute confidence & pride in our line of herbal cosmetics that are unique, peerless & unsurpassable in all respects by our competitors.